Tourism Statistics


Tourism has significant regional economic importance in the Himos-Jämsä area

In 2021, the total economic benefit from tourism in Jämsä was €65.4 million, and its impact on employment was 262 full-time equivalents, considering both direct and indirect effects.

Measured by turnover, tourism is more than twice the size of agriculture and forestry. This is despite the fact that the number of establishments in tourism-related sectors is relatively small and a large portion of these establishments are small in terms of staff numbers. Nevertheless, the combined regional economic impact of tourism is substantial, and its relative share is larger than at the national level.

Tourism in Himos-Jämsä is strongly oriented towards domestic customers and leisure activities. Last year, there were a total of 289,289 registered overnight stays.

Tourism statistics are collected nationwide every month. The statistics provide comprehensive information on the development of tourism both at the national level and locally. The statistics have been compiled by the Research and Analysis Center TAK Ltd., source: Statistics Finland.


Accommodation and Travel Stats in Himos-Jämsä
