Church Museum

The Church Museum, which is located above the sacristy in Jämsä Church, displays valuable ecumenical artefacts from previous churches dating back to the Middle Ages.

This valuable collection of articles inspired the idea to open a church museum. The museum collection includes items preserved from the earliest Jämsä Church buildings and donated articles. Despite a large fire at the Jämsä Church in 1925, a majority of the museum collection was saved. When the present church was completed in 1929, the collection was placed in the room above the sacristy.

One of the most valuable items in the museum is the Virgin Mary altarpiece. This beautiful oak altarpiece was hand-made in Germany in the 15th century. The altarpiece depicts the Virgin Mother and infant Jesus.  It was fully restored in 2000 by the Valamo Art Conservation Institute in Heinävesi.

Address: Koskentie 30 B, 42100 Jämsä