Brochures and maps


The diverse and vibrant Himos-Jämsä region is located in the heart of Finland – conveniently close to everything you need for your holiday. Himos-Jämsä offers a rich variety of tourism experiences. In winter, visitors can enjoy the versatile services of the Himos resort, while summers are filled with numerous nature destinations, canoeing routes, golf courses, and disc golf facilities provide opportunities for both activity and relaxation. The Himos-Jämsä tourist brochure is distributed in Himos, in tourism companies, in the largest shops and in the main library. You can also read our brochure online or order them at home .  



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Himos-Jämsä brochure 2025  is a comprehensive package of diverse activities and events in the area. The brochure also includes interviews with local businesses as well as a service listing and Himos in a nutshell.










It’s easier to breathe in Jämsa. The Green Jämsä brochure tells about the responsibility actions of the city of Jämsä and the Himos-Jämsä region.


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The Himos-Jämsä region provides plenty of opportunities for relaxing in comfort and staying for a long vacation. Central Finland’s beautiful nature invites you to enjoy its sights and sounds, all year round.

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The Himos-Jämsä region contains several places to eat, shop and experience invigoratingly indulgent treatments. See what the region has to offer for your unique holiday experience.

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Activities for children

Experience the guided adventure at Peikkometsä. On the ice and on the snow, the pace whistles in Lumila, snowmobile school or husky safari.

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